Have you tried making money online through Network Marketing, yet have failed time after time. Spending thousands of dollars and not making any profits? Unfortunately this is what I hear from 99.9% of people trying to earn extra income from home. Take a deep breath, relax, and know this. It Is Not Your Fault!
According to a recent poll worldwide over 150,000 people join or start a home based business each and every week. 99.9% of all these people will spend literally thousands and thousands of dollars and years of failure and frustration, never reaching their dreams and ultimately giving up. Does this sound familiar? The good news is it doesn't have to be that way.
Most people rush into Network Marketing without the knowledge and Resources necessary to be able to choose a Company that they can become successful with. A lot of the Network Marketing Company's out there are treading under the radar promoting illegal pyramid schemes and opportunities that will never bear any monetary fruit. Why? because the deck of cards has been stacked against you from the get go.
These so called Network marketing Company's promote recruit, recruit, recruit, and pay according to the volume of people you recruit. Know this, it is illegal to be paid on the number of people you recruit into your business. You must earn residual income from the retail sales of a product, period. Anything else is a scam and if I were you I would get out right away. It is therefore, essential to know what to look for in a Company that you can become financially successful in.
This Company should have a product that is so outstanding in quality and price value, that you would purchase even if it did not come with a business opportunity attached. The company should have a well established compensation plan that pays you on volume of retail sales of a product, and not on recruiting people. people are not numbers just as Marketing is not a numbers game. have respect for your people you bring into your business and treat them as such, people.
Remember Network Marketing is not a numbers game, but a network of building relationships that will last year in and year out, if your not having success in the company your in and they do not follow what was mentioned above, you are in a losing situation. The only person making money in the Company is the top level Management and Owner. Beware of Companies that want you to purchase training products and CD's and do not show you how to become successful by building your own Network, selling outstanding products not hype or promotional material
To learn more about why it is not your fault you can get my e-book Success In 10 Steps, by visiting my signature file below.
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