Sponsoring Tip #3: Offer training.
Which offer is difficult to sell and which offer will have
prospects beating down your door offering to give you
A. Computer for sale. Only $500.
B. Computer for sale. Only $500. Includes two days of
personal training.
A. Bulldozer for sale. Only $25,000.
B. Bulldozer for sale. Only $25,000. Includes three days
of training.
A. Cake decorating equipment. Only $300.
B. Cake decorating equipment. Only $300. Includes one
week of free cake decorating classes.
A. Home exercise equipment. Only $800.
B. Home exercise equipment. Only $800. Includes five
sessions with personal trainer.
A. Home movie video equipment. Only $500.
B. Home movie video equipment. Only $500. Includes
six hours of personal instruction on how to
create great home movies.
A. Business opportunity. Only $49 for a distributor kit.
B. Business opportunity. Only $49 for a distributor kit.
Includes 48 hours of classroom instruction on how
to build a successful business.
See a trend?
In every case, offer B is easier to sell.
In today's rush-rush society, people don't want to read long,
boring instruction manuals. They don't want to waste time
with trial and error.
Prospects want personal attention and personal training to
quickly achieve their goals.
Once we recognize the desire for training, sponsoring gets easy.
Because we are giving prospects what they want.
Several years ago I had the following experience.
I observed a master trainer conduct an opportunity meeting.
He spent very little time talking about the company, the
products, and the opportunity.
In fact, he hardly mentioned them!
Instead, he told the prospects about the wonderful training he
was conducting that weekend. This training would change their
They would have new viewpoints, great vision, understanding
of the universe, and anything else they wanted. All they had to
do was go to the training.
Of course they had to be a distributor to attend this training,
so every prospect in attendance quickly enrolled in the program.
Well, the training was good. In fact, it was great!
At the next opportunity meeting the new distributors talked
and raved about their training experience. Their enthusiasm
was so contagious that all the new guests quickly enrolled
as distributors so that they would be eligible to attend the
next training.
This cycle continued and a large, trained, motivated group
was built - with hardly any mention about the company,
products, or opportunity.
This proved to me that prospects are desperate for training
and guidance. I also learned that prospects would join even
if they don't see a beautiful flip chart, video, or Internet
By focusing on training, you'll get more distributors and less
rejection. Few people have bad things to say about training
and learning new skills.
Ready to get started?
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