First and foremost you need to find a Company that you can be successful in not a successful company.
The following are 5 simple steps to establishing a company that will enable you to become successful in.
Step#1- Company Management experience with integrity. What I mean by this is has the company been built from the ground up by the owner or owners? or is it being run by fortune 500 members who have no idea how a Company was built, and whom never put in the sweat, tears, and hours required to make it successful. This is the foundation of any company, you must have established credibility and respect from your prospects who know and do everyday the work required to become successful.
Does the company owner meet these requirements and has he come up in the ranks as most of your prospects have. This is important in establishing the foundation of successful relationships required to keep your prospects and grow the business. Again how do you know if the company owner has integrity? check your contract and policy and procedures? if the policies and procedures pack entails 30 to 40 pages, run for the hills. This part of a contract, must make you wonder why so long, they are trying to be mischevious. This should be a hint.
Also you can Google the company and owner to check bankruptcy and track records, this will be a good indication if you should join or not. Always remember to read the entire contract before joining. Slick lawyers write these in ways to mislead you. Make sure you are not terminable with or without cause and that they can stop your paychecks by getting rid of you. Also look for hidden clauses that stipulate you cannot ever enter into a class action law suit against the company.
Step#2- Timing in the company, timing in the industry. does the company have time within the industry of the products for which they are promoting. Is the timing within the industry at a peak that can be productive by you joining and beneficial to you in help growing the company.
Step#3- Does the company have a product that is remarkable? What I mean is that you are looking for a product that stands out amongst the niche that it is in. Would you buy this product even without a compensation plan. Is it that strong and valuable of a product that it could stand alone and people would continue to purchase year after year? Also you want to be aware of over priced products. Alot of companies over price their products to the point where they continously find themselves having to explain to prospects, and justify why it is that their product is so expensive. This tends to make the owner a sales person as opposed to a Network Marketer, and is usually a recipe for disaster. make sure the product is remarkable and value priced.
Step#4- Compensation Plan?
Let me give you a few pointers to be aware of when reviewing the companies compensation plan and what to be aware of. Are you getting paid for recruiting people into the company? where is your paychecks coming from? If you find that you are being paid for recruiting people into the company beware. This is not legal and is a good indication that you may be involved in a scam. Do your paychecks stop when your recruiting stops? if so run for the hills. You are probably involved in some type of Pyramid Scheme.
You must make sure that you are being paid commissions on selling a product, not people. Beware of companies that use bait and switch tactics. For example they offer a product with multiple pay ranges. If you do A,B,C, we will give you the product for 19.00 but if you do A,B,C, and D you can get the product for 14.00 dollars. these are bait and switch tactics and definately not a sign of integrity.
Step#5- Is the system that the company uses duplicatable? this is probably the most important factor for determining if the company is the right match for you. You want a system that is duplicatable on all levels and that this system is proven in growing your business, not only for you to duplicate but for your prospects also. You must have a team to build a successful business, surround yourself with like minded people, who in turn become your prospects, members of your team and ultimately your master mind group. These are the hallmarks of successful online businesses.
Make sure the system is duplicatable all the way down the levels in your organization, a system that respects prospects as people not numbers. Respect your prospects give them a duplicatable system, surround yourself with like minded people and you will inevitably succeed in any business you create.
Shane Purcell-Infopruener/Mentor
Mentor For Free Learn To Build Successful Network Marketing Business!
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